Thursday, July 14, 2022

Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon


Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon was founded by Prince Cakrabuana during the development of Islam or around 1529. At the beginning of its construction, Keraton Kasepuhan was an extension of the Keraton Pakungwati which is the oldest palace in Cirebon. Pakungwati Palace, which is located to the east of the Kasepuhan Palace, was built by Prince Cakrabuana (Putera Raja Pajajaran) in 1452, along with the construction of Tajug Pejlagrahan which is on the east side.

The name "Pakungwati" comes from the name of Queen Dewi Pakungwati, the daughter of Prince Cakrabuana, who is married to Sunan Gunung Jati. He died in 1549 in the Sang Cipta Rasa Grand Mosque at a very old age. His name was enshrined and glorified by the lineage of Sunan Gunung Jati as the name of the palace, namely the Pakungwati Palace, which is now called the Kasepuhan Palace. Keraton Kasepuhan is an Islamic kingdom where the founders of Cirebon reigned, this is where the administrative center of the Cirebon Sultanate stood.

As a result of the outbreak of internal conflict, the Cirebon Sultanate was split into the Kanoman Sultanate and the Kasepuhan Sultanate in 1969. The Kanoman Sultanate was led by Prince Kartawijaya and had the title Sultan Anom I, while the Kasepuhan Sultanate was led by Prince Martawijaya who had the title Sultan Sepuh I. The two sultans were brothers, and each -each occupying his own palace.

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